Google Sites Review: Good or Bad for SEO?

Google Sites Review: Good or Bad for SEO?

Google Sites is Google’s free version of a web site builder like Squarespace, Wix and even Wordpress. However, is it comparable to other web site builders on the market? In this article, I’m not going to review any of the “site building” features of Google Sites. Rather, I want to explore the question, “Is Google Sites SEO friendly or not?”

The State of Link Building Industry in 2023

The State of Link Building Industry in 2023

Friend and fellow peer, Ann Smarty, has put together a new post entitled ‘The State of Link Building Industry 2023’ which is the results of a survey conducted among SEOs with at 10 or more years of experience in the field. It includes a nifty infographic, which is why I’m reposting here.

How Generative AI is Changing Marketing

How Generative AI is Changing Marketing

Recently, Generative AI has become one of the most groundbreaking advancements in technology, revolutionizing how marketers engage with their audiences. Here is an infographic that provides a visual journey through how generative AI is transforming the marketing landscape.

The Future of Google Analytics 4

The Future of Google Analytics 4

Google recently announced that the current version of Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) will stop processing data in the second half of 2023, with the user interface shutting down in 2024. Learn more about the future of Google Analytics 4.

No, Link Building Is Not Dead

No, Link Building Is Not Dead

It is an age-old question amongst the SEO community – “Are links dead?” In other words, is the practice of “link building” dead? The answer is and has always been – no! Here is a concise infographic from the folks at DirJournal that demonstrates that links still matter.

Video Marketing Statistics for 2020

Video Marketing Statistics for 2020

The overall effectiveness of video content has proven that now is the right time to make your debut into video marketing, if you have not already. Video marketing is one of the most productive elements of digital marketing and continues to grow without any signs of slowing. In the following infographic, discover some of the latest stats and trends that will help you to better understand the video marketing landscape in 2020.