There’s a lot to marketing a business. Are you…

88% of online users won’t return to a site after a bad experience. —Sweor
96% of visitors to your website are not ready to buy! You have roughly 8 seconds to entice them to stay or sign up for content in exchange for their email address. —Adobe
Organizations with a marketing plan of action are 397% more likely to report success. —CoSchedule
73% of consumers are frustrated when your website offers content that has nothing to do with them. They're looking for relevant, useful information. —MarketingBlender
When information is paired with images, people retain 65% of it, rather than 10% without. —Brain Rules
Companies that blog get 55% more web traffic. —HubSpot
The number one organic result sees 19x more clicks than the top paid search result. —First Page Sage
On average, businesses can earn $44 for every dollar spent on email marketing. —Marketing Insider Group
70% of shoppers use ratings filters to find a business. 56% of consumers change their perspective on a business based on how the business responded to a negative review. —TrustPulse

Let us simplify that for you!

Create your blueprint for success

There are so many decisions to make when implementing even one marketing tactic. Without a marketing plan, how will you make those decisions? A builder wouldn’t begin construction without an approved blueprint and a foundation. But service business owners often resort to throwing money at marketing tactics they get excited about without a real plan for how to achieve their goals. If you’ve built a business you’re proud of, but you still…

  • Want to stand out with a brand that people remember?
  • Need to increase visibility and sales?
  • Aren’t sure where to focus your marketing budget?
  • Have a new project you’re not sure how to launch?
  • Don’t know how to make your website work for you?
  • Hate seeing your site ranking below your competitors in searches?

You could use a trusted advisor to build your marketing foundation and help grow your business!

Marketing is like construction

Multifamily, outdoor hospitality, & real estate marketing

What do these industries have in common?

They all need to attract and engage people looking for housing of some kind.

  • Multifamily property owners need to fill their apartments, townhouses, and condos with good tenants.
  • RV parks need to fill their campsites and cabins with guests and keep them returning year after year.
  • Real estate agencies and mortgage brokers need to keep their pipelines full of buyers and sellers to match people with the homes they want.

These are all housing related service businesses that require the similar approaches to marketing — an online presence that inspires trust, demonstrates top quality service, and stands out to rise above the competition. Running any of these businesses is a full time job already! That’s where we come in — to help you connect with your perfect client with a proven marketing system. We love these industries, we understand their challenges, and are uniquely qualified to create marketing solutions after decades in web design, SEO, and marketing strategy.

How We Can Help

There’s an art and a science to marketing required to create connections with both people and search engines.

Our team of pros use a proven proprietary and systematic approach to marketing that applies intuition and intelligence, psychology and technology, yin and yang. We all work together to bring you a strong, thoughtful marketing plan to help you accomplish your business goals.

Let’s create a plan for success.

marketing design team at work

A Proven Marketing System

Can you afford to do nothing?

You could be missing opportunities! If taking no action
isn’t a reasonable option anymore, let’s schedule a call
to see if we are a good fit to work with you.

Alan Cash 5 star review

“Linda clearly explained what my site needed for SEO improvement. My site looks better and is already showing higher in the rankings. I definitely recommend her service if you want to be found and recognized on the web.”
—Alan Cash Video

Janet Barrows 5 star review

“Clarity Marketing Studio has kept my acupuncture business in full view of the public for the last 9 years and keeps my site ‘optimized’ in the Google rankings. Linda has made a world of difference in my business.”
—Janet Barrows Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine

Gary Bubash

“Linda at Clarity Marketing Studio was great to work with. A professional, savvy, and authentic person who was a perfect fit for me. She clearly outlined how things would go and I felt I had a partner as we worked through building the site. They do great work!”
—Gary Bubash, Psychotherapist

Vic Joshi 5 star review

“Clarity Marketing Studio has helped increase my business by 15% in one year, which is a big number in my business. Their service gave me such great results that I upgraded my SEO plan to a higher level within a few months.”
—Vic Joshi Mortgage Consultant

3 Steps to Marketing CLARITY

Consider the relief of having a well-thought-out
action plan and a partner making things happen!

Contact us for a free consultation and let’s talk
about how we can help you grow your company.

Step 1

Contact Us

Fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation call.

Step 2

Make a Plan

We’ll do research and recommend a solution that fits your goals and budget.

Step 3

Grow Your Business

We’ll get to work on your plan and cheer you on as your business grows!