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Welcome to the site of Bevolex Company. We specialize in software development, e-business solutions and IT-consulting. Because of our client-centered approach and expertise, we provide high quality, professional solutions for your needs.

At present IT industry is rapidly growing in the whole world. The newcomer companies of the international software market face a hard competition on the side of the big and many small companies in this field. More than ever, Success of the business depends on evolving all the processes within the company to be in the avant-garde.

Bevolex Advantages:

  • Fresh outlook of employees allows us to use leading-edge technologies and practices.

  • Concentration on Development and Process Management provides flexible distribution of resources and their effective management.

  • Iterative development significantly decreases time to product deployment ensuring adequate and timely reaction to requirements changes. It also helps make transitions to new technologies less difficult and smoother.

  • Careful and meticulous approach to elicitation of requirements and control of their changes serves as an advantage when the goal is development of robust, reliable and scalable architecture.

  • Location of the Development Center in Russia provides for access to talented staff. The Best professionals in various domains.

  • High-speed communications allows satisfying client's requests in time.

  • Our low costs result in lower development rates.

Bevolex relies on introducing new technologies both in software services and business and management processes. To effectively achieve the evolution objective we employ and master careful approach to analysis, design and implementation of all work-processes. That constitutes the evolution process on the layer above work process of the software development. Competition drives us to constantly improve, collect, and keep the experience in this changeable atmosphere. We utilize diverse methods for the clients to be satisfied by the ready-made product, which has the required options and is supplied in time.

Designed by Bevolex Company.
Last modified on May 25, 2024.