AFCM-1000 0.9mm Fiber Cable Cutting Machine

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  • AFCM-1000 0.9mm Fiber Cable Cutting Machine

AFCM-1000 0.9mm Fiber Cable Cutting Machine

Product Item: #16280
P/N: AFCM-1000

Order Today, Ship before 06/13/2024, from U.S. or HK
  • Description
  • Datasheet
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AFCM-1000 0.9 Fiber Cable Cutting Machine, Ribbon Fiber Cutting Machine


Tehnical data:


  1. Voltage 220-240V
  2. Frequency: 50/60Hz
  3. Power: 300W
  4. Weight: 25Kg
  5. Cable cutting length: ≤999mtr
  6. Cable laying speed: 1-9 grad
  7. Driving method: step by step
  8. Length tolerance: 3‰
  9. Cable spec: 0.9mm 12 colors ribbon cable




  1. Automatic memory the cutting length. Electrical driven cutting knife. Cutting times is adjustable. Cutting length can be set.
  2. Electric cable collecting device equipped. Dia., size, and qty can be adjusted. Fit for finished product packing. It can cut 12 colors cable at one time.
  3. This machine is automatic with small size and long time of cutting knife.

Demo Video from Half-production of AFCM-1000:


Datasheet to Download

Customer Reviews

by Devin Lozano
Date Added: 03/25/2022
Very nice 0.9 fiber cable cutting, arrived without any problem, will use it for cutting 12 color fibers or ribbon fibers in different lengths!

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars [5 of 5 Stars]
AFCM-1000 0.9mm Fiber Cable Cutting Machine

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