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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Forth » Books

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Part of the Computer Science Bibliography Collection.


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By Edward K. Conklin, Elizabeth D. Rather; FORTH, Inc., 1998, ISBN 0966215605. For experienced programmers new to Forth, and a fine detailed, technical ANS Forth reference for experienced Forth programmers. [FORTH, Inc.]


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By Elizabeth D. Rather, et al.; FORTH, Inc., 2000, ISBN 0966215613. Introductory spiral bound workbook, simple but detailed tutorial on modern Forth, long used as training manual at Forth, Inc. [FORTH, Inc.]


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 4 - eForth and Zen Browse Website open in new window
By Dr. C.H. Ting; Offete Enterprises, 1993. Table of contents, and chapter one; compares Forth and Zen while giving overview of Forth from start to end. [Offete Enterprises]


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By Philip J. Koopman, Jr.; Ellis Horwood, 1989. No longer printed, available on-line in HTML or PDF formats.


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Lists books for sale on the topic of Forth programming. Includes descriptions of individual books, with reviews and purchase information.


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